Cultural Identities and Branding, a Challenge for Heritage and Territorial Management
The notion of cultural identity is more and more important, for both cultural organizations and regional authorities. Many books and reports have been published in France and in other countries these last years about city branding and intangible heritage enhancement. In France, the Agence pour le Patrimoine Immatériel de l’Etat has been created in 2006. "Cultural Identities" gather historical landmarks, cultural institutions (museums, public libraries, creation centers) but also cities, regions and public bodies.
Methods to promote cultural identities often come from marketing and branding. How can they be adapted to the specific context of culture and territories, to sustain audience development and public mediation? What are the innovative tools to help a regional authority, a city or an institution differentiate and engage local actors?
In partnership with CNFPT (French National Center for Territorial Public Service), SemioTiPS organizes a one-day training session focused on cultural identities enhancement.
This training session will be animated by three speakers :
Gwenaëlle de Kerret, Semiologist and research director, CEO of SemioTiPS. Ph.D. Professor and Researcher on cultural and visual identities in France and in the USA.
Cécilie de Saint-Venant, Director of Communication, Brand Strategy and Sponsorship at Château and Estate of Chambord.
Rick Bell, Executive Director of Design and Contruction Excellence for the City of New York's Department of Design and Construction. Architect and former Executive Director of the New York Center for Architecture.
During this training session, participants will discover the main principles of cultural branding.
Theoretical presentations, sharing of experiences based on real cases in cultural and territorial context and practical exercises will take place.
The training session is open to all professional from the public and private sectors, concerned with conceiving and enhancing cultural identities. It will be conducted in French.
For more information et to receive a detailed program, please contact us at:
Or find the CNFPT's webpage about the event.