In many sectors, codes and uses quickly evolve. Players need to forecast changes to remain relevant. SemioTiPS conducts several continuous observatories of trends (consumption, luxury, culture, digital medias), to spot innovations in products, communication and uses. Depending on your topic, a specific trend monitoring can be set up, to detect current and upcoming topics. We can provide either a one-shot analysis, or a subscription to a regular observation (e.g. every 3/6/12 months).
Ethnographic observation helps understand how users deal with a service, a tool or a space. At the place of experience or purchase or in private spheres, ethnographic insights can explain understanding, image and usage challenges. Depending on your topic, SemioTiPS will set up a specific observation model, or an interactional method (with user interviews). Ethnographic observation is combined with semiological expertise, to better interpret behaviors, explain how users interact with the surrounding signs ; and to design operational recommendations.
Designing one’s brand and understanding one’s sector relies on a good analysis of the ecosystem: who are the current players, what are the forms of expression. Our analysis can focus on direct and indirect competition, but also on other business areas which codes and trends may trigger original ideas. The sectorial benchmark can be followed with a workshop to help you define your positioning and brand platform.
Users (consumers, visitors, web users) are sometimes the most relevant to imagine a new service that will fit them, or to re-design an existing service. SemioTiPS sets up creative focus groups with your core target. Thanks to techniques enhancing imagination and symbolic language, creative groups give birth to new ideas. Then we focus on the most relevant to develop and fine-tune them with users.
When an exploratory or creative study is over, making results one’s own and launching a change process can be a challenge. SemioTiPS offers to moderate a creative workshop with your team. Having project stakeholders participate in a 2 to 3 hours creative and energizing discussion brings to operational solutions to implement innovation. A case study with creative workshops : see our article.
Innovation often implies to explore other sectors and practices. SemioTiPS sets up innovation benchmarks to spot promising trends and codes. Thinking outside the box and discovering original ideas will help find unique and relevant solutions to face with your challenges.
Design Thinking helps guide the innovation process. Derived from design and architecture practices, this method sets up innovation as several successive steps and as a pluridisciplinary work. In partnership with Design Thinking experts, SemioTiPS uses this method to engage stakeholders in the change process.
Meeting and discussing with the user during his experience or just after it can give many insights about his uses, representations and needs. Qualitative in-depth interviews can be combined with > ethnographic expertise , to observe behaviors and attitudes. Depending on your issue, SemioTiPS will suggest a specific sampling design and an tailored moderation approach.
Discussion groups (or focus groups) are ideal to explore representations and symbolical values and to have a deep understanding of society issues. This method is also perfect to pre-test ideas or communication tools: thanks to group dynamic, polarized opinions and consensus emerge quickly. Semiology can help going further in the understanding of perceptions
As an organization, you may already have feedbacks from your audience. Rather than setting up a new collection of data, SemioTiPS offers to analyze these feedbacks, with semantic and semiological tools. In a short length of time, it will provide a relevant understanding of your image and operational solutions to optimize your communication or strategy.
In addition to the audience, it can be relevant to interview your partners or experts on their perceptions. SemioTiPS will organize these interviews with you. They will provide a complementary viewpoint and will permit to collect good ideas.
Prior to the launch of a service, an interface or a communication campaign, SemioTiPS diagnoses the different tracks contemplated and identify opportunities for optimization. Combined with a qualitative collection (interviews and groups), Semiology allows for an explanation of perceptions, to identify signs to retain and signs to modify.
SemioTiPS has developed a highly effective method to understand uses in a place and spot how to improve design, signage or merchandising. It combines semiological expertise with ethnographic observation and quick interviews of users. This method permits to mirror effective behaviors and expressed perceptions. It is highly relevant to diagnose an existing space or to pre-test a new design.
Combined with Semiology, strategic planning is even more effective to decipher trends or design a brand positioning. Semio-Strat’ will help to determine the differentiated values to build upon. And to design a powerful and operational brand platform.
Semiology can be fun and creative! SemioTiPS augments the original viewpoint that Semiology opens on signs. Our method is inspired from Design Thinking and projective approach. It will give a fresh impetus to your brand or design strategy.