Panel Discussions on Visual Identities in the Cultural Sector
September 2019-January 2020
Visual identity is a key tool used to promote cultural institutions and enlarge their audience. The logo, the architecture and, as significantly, all the signs representing the institution in the city and in the media, make it visible and attractive for the general public, both local and visiting.
But how can an institution create and manage these visual signs? Which methods and tools are the most relevant to conceive, combine, evaluate and adjust a visual identity? And how sensitive is the audience to these images?
The French Ministry of Culture is conducting serveral panel discussions and conferences on the occasion of the publication of the book L’Identité Visuelle des Musées à l’Ere des Marques (Museum Visual Identities in the Age of Brands), written by Gwenaëlle de Kerret (La Documentation Française, Musées-Mondes). These events are open to all professionals from cultural institutions and will be moderated by Emmanuel Delbouis (Ministry of Culture) and Jacqueline Eidelman (publisher). The main results and opportunities studied in the book will be presented and will lead to discussions between professionals about their practices in terms of visual identity.
Thursday, September 26th, 4:30pm to 6pm: How to evaluate the visual identity of a cultural institution, and its impact on the public
Speakers: Gwenaëlle de Kerret (semiologist, author of the bookl), Catherine Guillou (Manager of the Visitors Department at the Centre Pompidou, author of the preface)
1) Definition and specifics of a visual identity for a museum or cultural institution, compared with a non-cultural brand
2) Role and issues of visual identity in cultural branding of an institution
3) Relevant methods to evaluate and manage a visual identity… and, more largely, a cultural brand.
This meeting will take place at the Ministry of Culture – 3 rue de Valois (room Albert Londres).
November or December 2019 (date to be determined): How to conceive a successful and consistent visual identity and its impact on new publics.
Speakers: Gwenaëlle de Kerret (semiologist, author of the book), BETC Design (graphic agency), Ruedi Baur (graphic designer)
1) Orchestrating the cultural project, the architecture and the graphic identity
2) Designing the graphic identity : a creative process
3) Engaging the audience and the institution players in the design process
Other events will be announced soon...
You are a professional from the cultural sector and want to take part in these meetings? Please get in touch: contact[at]