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Workshop – December 11th, 2019

Workshop: Renovation of Cultural Institutions and Marketing strategies

December 11th, 2019


The Department of Heritage, Historical Memory and Archives of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces is organizing its annual conference from December 11th to December 13th 2019, in Paris region. This year, the topic is the renovation of museums and places of memory.

On this occasion, SemioTiPS moderates a professional workshop and training program about marketing strategies for cultural institutions.

A renovation project is indeed the opportunity for a cultural institution, to question its own identity: will the visit experience be exactly the same after the renovation work? Which dimensions of the cultural “brand” will be impacted by the evolution? And what is the best way to orchestrate the period of transition in order to keep the link with the audience and help them understand what is at stake in the renovation project?

Marketing and more specifically brand management offer various possible methods and tools to organize and plan the renovation project so as to strengthen the cultural identity and boost the relationship with the public. SemioTiPS will present the main ones:


The overall objectives of the professional conference organized by the Department of Heritage, Historical Memory and Archives of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, are to explore the motives and aims of a renovation; and to discuss the underlying issues of such projects: renew the museum aspect and discourse, root the institution in its environment, define its identity and its strategy towards the audience, improve its accessibility…


More information about the conference: dmpa-blmn.lieuxdememoire.fct[at]intradef.gouv.fr

More information about the workshop: contact@semiotips[at]semiotips.com